Three Movies that define me are Purple Rain, Trading Places and The Last Dragon. I'm not sure if it's because I was a latch key kid & these movies were my only source of entertainment. But how else can you explain a 10 year old reciting word for word R rated movies back in the 80's? Back then HBO was equivalent to watching an X rated movie if you were still under 14. Every time this HBO intro came on, I'd get this feeling I was doing something sinfully bad because I knew we were about to watch a movie we weren't supposed to watch. Who remembers this?
Anyways, when I found out that the Last Dragon was being remade I screamed. But then I thought, "Dang, this is a classic. I hope who ever does it doesn't eff it up". Then I found out that a friend of mine named Dallas Jackson is producing this movie, I screamed again. Him knowing I am a huge Last Dragon fan he offered me a job when it goes into production. So DALLAS JACKSON if you are reading this I have not forgotten;)
This movie is going to be so frekin dope. I was told that this movie is going to be an action movie. Not a comedy like the original movie but on some action hero type flick like Wolverine or Tomb Raider. I am only sharing information that has already been publicly released so don't call me up saying to take this off, whoever that would be. HA.
First question arises is, who is going to play Bruce Leroy and Vanity? I was told back in the days that Chris Brown and Rhianna were possibly to be casted. I said, "Oh Lord Jesus please no". Thats just ME. But after the whole situation with the domestic violence that wasn't going to happen. But still not sure if Rhianna is still up for this role. Nobody can outshine Vanity though whoever plays her. Cool story about Sho Nuff is, that Samuel Jackson is already casted for this role. Dallas had shared with me that Samuel Jackson actually auditioned for the original Sho Nuff back in the 80's. Over a decade later, he will now be playing Sho Nuff. Personally, I think he is going to do an incredible job. The RZA is producing this movie as well as the soundtrack. This movie is going to be so ridiculously insane on all levels. So to even have part of this movie/musical film history will truly be a dream come true. This will definitely be another check off my dream list.
Here are some cool Last Dragon "stuff"
this dude lives at the 7-11 off of Pico & La Brea. We were shooting Frank Nitt's Love Video. This guy would not shut up. Realized what movie he was reciting then HAD to get him on tape. I had this feeling he was a latchkey kid too left at home with HBO while his was at work. LOL.
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